Psicologa | Psicoterapeuta iscritta nella sezione A dell'Albo dal 28/02/1997 con il n. 6927
- Data di nascita
- 27/11/1969
- Luogo di nascita
- Telefono *
- 0685356211
Psychotherapist, clinical sexologist, lecturer, and clinical supervisor, working at the Institute of Clinical Sexology in Rome. *
Psychotherapist, clinical sexologist, lecturer, and clinical supervisor, working at the Institute of Clinical Sexology in Rome. Her 25-years clinical experience covers a wide range of sexual issues, but her focus is primarily on sexual dysfunction and couple therapy. Since 2013, she is co-director of and lecturer at the ESSM School of Sexual Medicine. Co-founder of International Online Sexology Supervisors (IOSS) in 2019, an educational initiative that aims to cover gaps within the field of life-long learning in Clinical Sexology for professionals from all over the world.
Current member of the ESSM Educational and Scientific Committees, the European Accreditation of Psycho-sexology (EPSA), the EFS Executive and Educational Committees.
Author of more than 100 national and international publications in the field, she has extensive lecturing and supervising experience. She is the co-author of the “Syllabus of ESSM Sexual Medicine" (2013), and co-editor of the “EFS and ESSM Syllabus of Clinical Sexology (2014) and the “ESSM Manual of Sexual Medicine” (2015).
Over the last 20 years, she participated with lectures, oral communications, or poster at the most important conferences and international meetings organized by the main scientific societies of sexology (EFS, WAS, ESSM), as well as other congresses in the field. Moreover, in the last 15 years, she worked to improve sexual quality of life through media (TV, radio, magazines, newspapers).
Abstract reviewer for the WAS congresses (2015, 2017, 2019), EFS congresses (2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016), ESSM congress (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022).
Her research areas are mainly: training in sexology, biopsychosocial approach, sexual dysfunctions treatment, gender identity and orientation, sexuality education, atypical sexual behavior, sexual preferences, paraphilias, compulsive sexual behavior.
- Aree di Intervento *
- Target di Utenza *
- Reti professionali
- Lingue *
- Indirizzo studio *
VIA SAVOIA 78 - 00198
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